This was your daily life at home? So Real!
This time we had a long holiday at home because of the COVID-19 outbreak. Many friends said that they were going kind of crazy for they stayed at home for so long. Anyway, it was the only choice and then we had a lot of time. How about your life? Now, please look at the diary of brother and sister uploaded from the e-friend Xiao Lu :
Little sister: a day for a student
Every morning with coffee
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: the Palace Museum Series S-11TD white stone)
One world, one e-learning experience
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: the Palace Museum Series S-11TH white stone)
Reading after school courses
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: the Palace Museum Series S-11T white stone)
Eldest brother: A day for an unemployed youth
Reading magazines in free time
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Universe Series H-09C light gray)
Daily routine——fiddling with flowers
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Imperial Palace Series S-YG black)
Care for plants
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Sand Wall Series 19CH charcoal)
Older sister: an elegant and beautiful day
Delicate flowers, bright smile
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Swim Ring Series S-11Y)
It’s so happy to play with phone.
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Egg Series S-MJ earth tone)
Freshly baked bread at the tea time. A beautiful and kind girl will be a good wife!
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots, Sun Series S-09H light gray)
Dim light, suitable for a nap
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Advanced Ceramic Series Y17SF even mouth)
Pots in heart-shaped can be gifts to express love during the outbreak.
(GREENSHIP·Handmade Pots: Black Sesame Series 10Q light gray)
Trying not to go out and keeping social distance are the biggest contributions we can do, which is also the best way to ensure our safety. Less anxiety, better mood. GREENSHIP · Handmade Pots will let you feel small pleasures in daily life. GREENSHIP · Handmade Pots, hot sales in 76 countries, decorative pots used up to 20 years. Now we are leading the trend of flower pot industry.